
The Duty of Software



If I have to listen to one more person arguing about which text editor is better, or why some programming language is inferior (yes, I actually like JavaScript), I will seriously consider becoming a plumber. At least I doubt I will have to suffer any arguments about which brand of toilet is better at flushing excrement; that would be a welcome relief after having to listen to so much of it. But seriously, I’m aghast at how badly some educated, intelligent people entirely miss the point of devoting themselves to software development professionally. The value of the work you do isn’t defined by the tools you use but rather by the utility you add to the world.


The real reason to program a computer is to solve a problem, thereby adding value for someone. Before even opening an editor, one ought to know what that problem is and whom solving it will benefit. As much as we technologists fetishize the machines we aim to impose our will on, it is ultimately humanity we ought to serve. Unfortunately, this requires empathy, which itself demands a level of creativity that machines aren’t capable of. After interacting with a fair number of students and professors during my undergrad, I am left wondering if it is even beyond some of them.


Since I launched 7risten.ca and made my presence public, I’ve been inundated with a nearly daily torrent of grifters. Whether it is people attempting to get me to cash checks for services I haven’t agreed to, companies trying to get me to offshore my work to India, or even locals attempting to involve me in their own MLM-esque bartering pay system, it seems there is a huge mass of individuals practicing questionable ethics in an attempt to make a quick dollar with complete disregard for where that dollar comes from or what it represents. I can’t help but imagine if they were more eager to perhaps invest that energy into, say, opening a book once in a blue moon, they might develop the necessary critical thinking skills required to provide the utility that would earn them said token, instead of attempting to bottom-feed off the productivity of those who are actually in the business of doing so.


What enticed me to work in computing is the Promethean thrill of creating tangible experiences out of the seemingly lifeless medium of text. But, as satisfying as that power is to wield, I completely believe in the duty of the computing professional to direct that awesome ability to benefit the community by which I am borne. Unless my τέχνη can improve the world, I don’t want to waste my already limited and precious time interacting with people who have none. I’d much rather be producing music on Instagram for the three people who care to listen to it; at least then these cold-blooded reptiles (no offense to actual reptiles intended, whom I regard in infinitely higher rank) would stop bothering me to become involved in their duplicitous and fraudulent attempts to extract from, and provide nothing of value to, the world.
